What a crazy month of June it was!
Before I go on a 3,5 week summer break, let me just recap the past few days with a few images:
19-23 June 2023: Back in Cannes for Cannes Lions
Just like last year, I was the Master of Ceremonies in the Lumière Theatre during the International Festival of Creativity, Cannes Lions—basically the Oscars of the advertisement world.
Delegates from all over the world meet in the south of France for a week of inspiration and to see the best work from agencies, creatives, and brands from around the world.
While opening Cannes Lions 2023 in the Lumière Theatre on 19 June 2023.
taking pictures with us-comedian and actor Kevin Hart
During that week I introduced the one and only Kevin Hart on stage. The US-comedian and actor received the award for Entertainment Person of the Year. After his seminar with Jeffrey Katzenberg, co-founder of DreamWorks, I couldn’t let him go off stage without capturing that moment. The claim of Cannes Lions is: “This is your moment. Make history.” So this was my moment—and I wanted to share it with the audience. And as you can see, it seems it was their moment too!

The favela is a rich place, says gilson rodrigues
The festival continued with many more highlights: One being conducting a conversation with Gilson Rodrigues in Portuguese. It was the first time I used my mother tongue on a stage during an event. The Brazilian grew up in the second largest favela of the country and is now a social entrepreneur and businessman. He founded G10+ Favelas with the aim of bringing services to the favelas inhabitants such as delivery services that they are often deprived from. Gilson is also the CEO of the G10+ Bank which offers bank accounts to favela residents. He emphasized that favelas are places full of potential and urged the audience to view the people of the favelas as clients.
Gilson Rodrigues, CEO of G10+ Favelas and I exploring the festival on the day before I conduced a conversation with him.
From Creativity to the world of finance
After Cannes Lions, I was back in Zurich wearing my business attire as I moderated the opening panel at Point Zero Forum in Zurich on 26 June 2023. The Forum is a not-for-profit initiative by Elevandi (a company by the Monetary Autority of Singapore) and the Swiss State Secretariat for International Finance to promote a policy and technology dialogue in Financial Services. My first panel was on the topic of data needed for a transition to a net zero economy.
Moderating a panel discussion with Ashley Alder, Chair of FCA, State Secretary Daniela Stoffel, Mary Shapiro of Bloomberg, and Ravi Menon, Managing Director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore on establishing a Net Zero Data Public Utility. (26.6.2023)
After hosting the first panel of the day, I met my camera operator Sébastien Crettaz and together we went quote-hunting. Because if I’m already here, why not produced a video on the event for finance.swiss? Here’s the result:
I opened the second day of the forum with a fireside chat with Group CEO of UBS, Sergio Ermotti. The attendees were hungry to hear more on the merger of CS and UBS. I started by asking him questions on what we can expect next in the merger of the two universal banks. Then, we moved on to other topics that related to the topics of the forum, which were innovation and technology. Ermotti gave his view and also mentioned that UBS invests in fintechs, but only if their business relates to what they do at UBS. Meaning, if there are some synergies in the end.

I love to dive deep in to different areas, industries, and worlds. This is the best part of my job. I am able to get a sense of what is happening in this world within different sectors.
But now, it’s time for a break. Time to not care about meetings and dive into the world of a good book, nice conversations or just spend time with family. Recharching my batteries. Because I will need that energy soon again: September, October and November are filling up already.
But for now, I wish you a lovely summer!
P.S. If you want to read how I tell stories on stage, head over to this blog-post.