upcoming event moderations:
Siemens, Transform 2025 Flagship Event, Zurich (13 March 2025)
Roche, überDACHt - Roche Science and Innovation Summit, Basel (21 March 2025)
Die Schweizerische Post, Digital Connect Event, Zürich (25 March 2025)
UZH, Graduation, Faculty of Business, Finance and Informatics, Zurich (24 May 2025)
Swiss National Bank (SNB), Karl Brunner Lecture, ETH Zurich (2 Oct 2025)
Tonhalle Zürich, TonhalleCRUSH, Zurich (20 Nov 2025)
HarbourClub, Symposium, SwissRe Global Center for Dialogue, Rüschlikon (25 Nov 2025)
PAST live & virtual event moderatIONS:
Admeira, internal event (2019)
Advance, panel "Overcoming obstacles on your way to success" , virtual event (7 Oct 2021)
AI House Davos, panel, AI Is Shaping the Future of Procurement, Davos (17 Jan 2024)
Alumni Economics University of Zurich, Panel discussion on Leadership (7 Feb 2019)
Alpian, Female Fintech Futures, virtual live panel (4 Mar 2021)
AMAS, Asset Management Day 2024 incl. fireside chat with Renaud de Planta, Bern (7 June 2024)
Asia Society Switzerland, Jade Dinner (17 Jun 2019 / 15 June 2022)
Avaloq, Community Conference 2024, Zurich (17 Sep 2024)
AWS Aussenwerbung Schweiz, WOOHW!, Conference & Swiss Out of Home Award, Zurich (19 Sep 2024)
AWS Aussenwerbung Schweiz, WOOHW!, Conference & Swiss Out of Home Award, Zurich (13 Sep 2023)
BB Biotech, Investing into medicines of the future, Cirle Zurich (9 Nov 2023)
Bocuse d’Or, grand finale, TV Livestream host, Lyon, France (26-27 Jan 2025)
Bocuse d‘Or, Sélection Europe, Trondheim, Norway (18-20 March 2024)
Bocuse d'Or, grand finale, TV Studio Production host, Sirha Lyon, France (22-23 Jan 2023)
Building Bridges Summit 2022, event moderation and fire-side conversations (3 + 4 Oct 2022)
Building Bridges Summit 2021, event moderation & panel discussions (29 Nov 2021)
Cannes Lions 2024, International Festival of Creativity, MC, Terrace Stage, France (17-21 June 2024)
Cannes Lions 2023, International Festival of Creativity, MC, Lumière Theatre, France (19-23 June 2023)
Cannes Lions 2022, host on main stage Lumière Theatre in Cannes, France (20-24 June 2022)
Cannes Lions 2021, Data Presenter for Lions Live TV, London (21-25 June 2021)
ChainIQ, CPO Forum on the topic of procurement, Zurich (4 June 2024)
China Construction Bank, Opening Ceremony Zurich Branch (14 Jan 2016)
Clima Now, Spotlight Pitch-Night, Zürich (9 Dec 2021 / 26 Oct 2023)
ConnectINg St. Gallen Summit, panel discussion on sustainability and business (28 April 21)
Credit Suisse (Schweiz), management event - hybrid studio production, Zurich (Jan 2021)
CVVC, panel, The Art Market in the Digital Age, Zug (31 Aug 2021)
DA Z Digital Art Zurich, Conversations at SIX Convention Point (30 Oct 2020)
DA Z Digital Art Zurich, panel discussions (28-30 Oct 2021)
Deloitte Finance Day, Kongresshaus Zurich (19 May 2022 / 1 June 2023 / 16 May 2024)
Digital Economy Award, co-host (11 Nov 2021)
Digitalfestival, #DiFe Tonics online event on Cyber Security with Sandra Joyce (17 June 2020)
EDI. Der Schweizer Auftrags- und Werbefilmpreis, Trailer (2020)
Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, swisstech.Pitchinar 2020 (22 Oct 2020)
EFG International, video interview with the CEO, Zurich (Feb 2022)
ETH Zurich, goMath, opening ceremony, Zurich (14 March 2022)
ETH Zurich, Women in Mathematics – are there ways to fix the leaky pipeline?, Zurich (12 Mar 19)
European Investment Fund, EIF’s annual event, Ugly Duck Conference, Luxembourg (22-23 Oct 2024)
Fides, Community Conference 2021, Zurich (15 Sep 21)
Filmcoopi, Filmvorführung «Heldin», Kino Arthouse Le Paris mit Cast/Regie, Zürich (22/24 Feb 2025)
Finanz & Wirtschaft, F&W Versicherungsbrocker-Forum 2024, GDI Institut Rüschlikon (29 May 2024)
Galenica, Investor Day, Zurich (24 Oct 2023)
Geberit, 150-Jahres-Jubiläum, Halle 550, Zurich (23 May 2024)
Geberit, internal video interview with the CEO (Dec 2020, Dec 2021, Dec 2022, Dec 2023)
Georg Fischer, GF Global Leadership Summit, Circle, Zurich (23 April 2024)
GS1 Excellence Days, Kursaal Bern (8-9 June 2022)
Handball EM, Panel über Inklusion im Sport, Basel (30 Nov 2024)
HarbourClub, Symposium «The Human Factor», Zühlke, Schlieren Zürich (13 Nov 2024)
HarbourClub, Symposium 2023, «Corporate Listening», Roche, Basel (21 Nov 2023)
HarbourClub, Symposium, Siemens, Zug (17 Nov 2022)
Hauser & Wirth: A special late night event at Salon d’Hiver, Hauser & Wirth Löwenbräu Zurich (17 Feb 2016)
Hauser Living, Design Tag (2016)
HSG Talents Conference, Opening Panel, St. Gallen (26 Feb 2020)
Impact Hub Zurich, 10th anniversary, event moderation at Kraftwerk, Zurich (8 Oct 2021)
Innosuisse Plenum, panel «R&D in Switzerland», LAC Lugano (7 Sep 2022)
IKEA, livestream, Democratic Design Day, Älmhult, Sweden (3 Aug 2016)
IG Bank, Swiss Trading Day, Zurich (7 April 2022)
JobCloud, Panel on «Future of Work», Zurich (1 March 2023)
JobCloud, Panel on «Diversity, Inclusion & Gender Equality», Zurich (8 Nov 2023)
Julius Baer, Market Outlook 2025, Zurich (22 Jan 2025)
Julius Baer, Market Outlook 2025 for institutional investors, Zurich (16 Jan 2025)
Julius Baer, Market Outlook 2024, Zurich (16 Jan 2024)
Kanton Zürich, Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Tag des Standorts, Panel zum Thema Gesundheit (31 Jan 2024)
Kickstart Innovation, Opening and Closing Ceremony, Zurich (7 Sep + 10 Nov 2021)
Kickstart Innovation, hybrid events, opening + closing ceremony (1 Sep + 5 Nov 2020)
Kickstart Innovation, Investor Summit, Zurich (1 Oct 2020)
KMU Forum Obersee, Tradition trifft Generation Z, Rapperswil (28 Oct 2022)
KPMG, PRISM Panel discussion on geopolitics, Geneva (5 June 2023)
LinkedIn, Talent Awards Switzerland, online event (18 Nov 2021)
Lufthansa Group, HR-Conference, Seeheim, Frankfurt (2016)
Lufthansa Group, Leadership Conference, Seeheim, Frankfurt (2017)
Microsoft, Skills Summit 2022, Maaghalle Zurich (15 June 2022)
MoneyFest, 21 for 21 video interviews (21-23 July 21)
Netmedia, Smart Work Day, Webinar (24 June 21)
Novo Nordisk, internal event in Marbella, Spain (31 May - 2 June 2022)
Novo Nordisk, IOFF, internal event, Zurich (2021)
Nutanix, virtual roundtable week Switzerland (12-16 April 21)
Nutanix, virtual rountable week Germany (19-23 April 21)
NZZ Connect, FutureHealth Lausanne, SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne (3 October 2023)
NZZ Connect, SEF.Growth Event, From Start-up to Scale-up: Overcoming the hurdles of growth (19 Sep 2023)
NZZ Connect, Swiss Innovation Forum, Minds100, Basel (22 Nov 2022)
NZZ Connect, XDAYS, breakout session, Interlaken (24 Aug 2021 / 5 July 2022)
OMEGA Masters, VIP Event, Crans-Montana (27 Aug 2022 / 2 Sep 2023)
OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Festakt 50 Jahre Standort Rapperswil (26 Oct 2022)
Patagonia, Pedal for POW webinar (31 May 21)
Parlamentarische Gruppe “Sustainable Finance”, Paneldiskussion in Bern (21 Sep 2022)
Picard Angst, webinar series on the topic of ESG (13 April/ 5 May / 14 June 22)
Point Zero Forum, Entrepreneurial dialogue: Showcase of solutions from SwissHacks, Zurich (3 July 2024)
Point Zero Forum, panel Data for Net-Zero & fireside chat with Sergio Ermotti, Zurich (26 -27 June 2023)
PWG Conference: The rise of of diversity, redesigning the workplace culture, Zurich (30 Mar 2019)
Quantum Basel, Quatum Computer launch event incl. panel discussion, uptown Basel (5 Dec 2024)
Raiffeisen, Dialog Plus Event, internal event, Basel (2015)
Rotary Club Bellerive, Class Act: Bach ganz anders (15 Mar 2018)
SHED Foundation, charity auction, Zug (6 Nov 2021)
Silicon.de, Advanced Analytics für ihre IOT-Daten, virtual roundtable (29 June 21)
Singapore Fintech Festival, panel discussion with CEO’s of UBS, Credit Suisse, President of the Swiss Bankers Association and the State Secretary for International Finance (7 Dec 2020)
Singapore Fintech Festival, event by the Swiss National Bank and The BIS Innovation Hub (7 Dec 2020)
Sirha Lyon, Pastry World Cup/Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie, Lyon, France (24-25 Jan 2025)
Sirha Lyon, Pastry World Cup/Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie, Lyon, France (20-21 Jan 2023)
SR Technics, GTF signing ceremony + business update, Zurich (5 April 2022)
START, summit co-host main stage, St. Gallen (24-25 March 2022)
Stiftung Schweizer Chirurgen in Änthiopien, GoStar, Charity-Event, Uptown Basel (27 Jan 2024)
Stiftung Technopark Zürich, ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark, Zurich (7 May 2024)
Stiftung Technopark Zürich, Verleihung, ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark (31 May 2023)
St. Gallen Symposium, ISC Alumni Feier (7 May 2022)
Swiss National Bank, Karl Brunner Lecture with Kristin J. Forbes (MIT), ETH Zurich (3 Oct 2024)
Swiss Association of MBAs, Digital Leaders Conference, Zurich (livestreamed) (28 May 21)
Swiss Bankers Association, hybrid event with Federal Councilor Karin Keller-Sutter and Jörg Gasser on why Switzerland needs an e-ID, Bern (5 Feb 21)
Swiss Bankers Association, “Warum braucht die Schweiz ein neues CO2 Gesetz?,” hybrider Anlass mit Bundesrätin Simonetta Sommaruga, Bern (5 May 21)
Swiss Bankers Association, virtueller Anlass zur Stempelsteuer-Abstimmung (17 Jan 2022)
Swiss Economic Forum, Breakout Session, Interlaken (9 June 2023)
Swiss Excellence Forum, Swiss Ethics Award, KKL Lucerne (11 May 2022)
Swiss Financial Innovation Desk, Re-designing Financial Innovation, Singapore (5 Nov 2024)
Swiss Financial Innovation Desk, Swiss Hacks Closing + Side Event , Zurich (30 June / 2 July 2024)
SWISS Int. Air Lines, several internal events and townhalls (2014-2017)
Swiss Life Select, internes Jahresmeeting, Zug (2 Juli 2021)
Swiss Post, Portrait about Ricola (2016)
Swissbau, Fuckup Night, Basel (17 Jan 2020)
Swiss Risk Association, Governance in Financial Institutions, Zurich (22 Jan 2020)
Swiss Space Office, Swiss Space Days, Berne (9 Nov 2020)
Swissnex China, Working Tomorrow, virtual Event (9 Dec 2020)
Swissnex China, Sino-Swiss Energy Innovation Forum (6-7 May 21)
Swissnex China, Swisstech Pitchinar, virtual event (30 June 2021)
Talent Pitch Switzerland, Europe’s largest university pitching contest, Volkshaus Zurich (3 March 2025)
TalentScreen Award Night, Kaufleuten Zurich (14 Sep 2019)
Techface, #WeTechTogether Conference, Zurich (3 Oct 2020)
TechFace, #WeTechTogether, Conference, Zurich (2 Oct 2021)
TEDxZurich, main events at SRF Studio 1 Zurich (2015-2017)
TEDxZurich, Re-Building, Stage One, Zurich (17 March 2023)
TEDxZurich, «Break Out», hybrid event (10 Dec 2020)
TEDxZurichSalon, I think I know you (10 Apr 2018)
TEDxZurichSalon, From Farm to Fork (19 Sep 2019)
TEDxZurichSalon, Talking Taboo (8 July 2021)
TEDxZurichWomen, Showing up (6 Dec 2018)
TEDxZurichWomen, Bold + Brilliant (6 Dec 2019)
Thurgauer Kantonalbank, Anlegerforum 2024 mit Jens Korte, diverse Orte (12/14/19/20/21 Nov 2024)
Tonhalle Zürich, TonhalleCRUSH, Zurich (26 Sep 2024 / 30 Jan 2025)
UEFA Europa League Final 2016, StadiumTV, Basel (2016)
Universität Bern, Entrepreneurship Center, Stage Up Award Night, Bern (4 May 21 + 10 May 22)
University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Graduation ceremony (2 Dec 2020 / 26 May 21)
Universität Zürich, Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (13 May 23 / 1 June 24)
University of Zurich, Sustainable Digital Finance panel (29 Sep 21)
U.S. Embassy in Berne, Orbital Debris: Prevention, Mitigation and Clean-Up of Space Junk, Berne (3 Sep 2020)
Visa, Payments Industry Workshop (2 March 2022)
Watches and Wonders, Morning Show live reporter, Geneva (30 March - 5 April 2022)
WebSummit, panel «The LP crystal ball», Venture, Pavillion 5, Lisbon (14 Nov 2023)
WebSummit, panel «How to train your AI», DeepTech, Pavillion 4, Lisbon (15 Nov 23)
WebSummit, panel «Building a startup in Europe», Centre Stage, Altice Arena, Lisbon (16 Nov 23)
WEF/Manpower/CESPA, panel, The people powered green transition, Ice Village WEF, Davos (17 Jan 2024)
Wirtschaftsforum Obersee, Entra Rapperswil (15 June 2023 / 13 June 2024)
W.A. de Vigier Awards 2020, Backstage moderation (10 June 2020)
YesWeHack, webinar “Bug Bounty Success Story”, virtual event (18 May 2021)
Ziemer, Partner Meeting 2021, live studio production (29 April 2021)
Zürich liest, Panel: NFTs in der Kunst- und Literaturszene, Zürich (28 Oct 2022)
Zurich Film Festival, «The last Showgirl» w/ Q&A with Pamela Anderson & Gia Coppola (4 Oct 2024)
Zurich Film Festival, Award and Q&A w/ Kate Winslet ahead of screening of «Lee» (7 Oct 2024)
Zurich Film Festival (2016, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22)
Zürcher PR Gesellschaft, China-Schweiz - eine Annäherung (2 Oct 2018)
360° Entertainment Konferenz 2016, Interlaken (2016)
#CodeVsCovid19 Hackathon, virtual event - Interviews with experts (28-29 March 2020)
#SwissAutonomousValley, Livestream Event (15 Dec 2020)
Universa, Business Women Invited (28 Nov 2019)
Voice of Fintech Live Series: Digitalization of the art business (5 Feb 2020)
Guest in the Navigator Podcast by Yannick Blättler (6 Sep 2020)
Feminin Pluriel lunch event (16 Sep 2020)
Horasis Extraordinary Meeting, Panelist on «We are Living Longer» (1 Oct 2020)
Rodarct Zurich by Rotary, Speech on how I became who I am (25 April 2021)
Frauenzentrale Zürich, Money Rally, Panelistin «Frauen und Finanzen» , Panelist (1 June 2024)
podcast productions:
Swizz Art Biz, A podcast about the business of art—with a Swiss twist
Direction: Future, Episode: Ewiges Leben? (27 May 2022)
SRF 2, G&G, Die Oscars-Preisverleihung live aus dem Studio (12-13 March 2023)
ElleXX, Explainer Videos (since Oct 2021)
Bellevue Group, video interviews (16 April 21)
Alpian, studio interview with the CEO (8 April 21)
Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, video interviews (Feb/Mar 2021)
finance.swiss, editorial video production (monthly since Dec 2020)
Swizz Art Biz, video podcast on the business of art (monthly since Jan 2021)
DigitalSwitzerland, Swiss Digital Days (1-3 Nov 2020)
DigitalFestival, HackZurich, Social Media Lead and video production (17-20 Sep 2020)
HackZurich, Social Media Lead & Digital Reporter (24-26 Sep 2021)
CNNMoney Switzerland, producer, reporter, TV host (July 2017 - Aug 2020)
RTP, Hora dos Portugueses (2016)
Ringier, Sag Merci mit Tanya (2015)
SAT.1 Schweiz, NextIn Business, TV-show (2022)
Starkart, video production (2014)
SRF, The Voice of Switzerland, multi-media reporter & online host (2013-2014)
a selection of articles written by Tanya:
Blerta Basholli: “Das Publikum hat auf die Ehrlichkeit des Films reagiert”, ElleXX
Die Kunst der Sichtbarkeit, ElleXX
Wieso die Kunst- und Krypto Welt verrückt nach NFTs ist, ElleXX
Why fintech is a key driver in sustainability, finance.swiss
Unterwegs in New York: Start-up in der Neuen Welt, Blick am Abend
Er kämpfte, damit andere weniger leiden, Blick.ch
Five questions to Blaise Godet, Swiss Ambassador to China, SWISS Magazine
Wo der Himmel tiefer hängt - Ein Tag im Leben von André Marty