A few impressions of our wedding in Portugal
Photos: Julian Tse
It’s been a mental preparation of one year, for our wedding in Sintra, Portugal. During that year we were wondering how it was going to be like - without getting stressed about it. Knowing that our family and friends would be attending we were sure it was going to be a good day.
And it was. Here are few images:
One reason why we could be relaxed about our wedding was the support by our dreamteam, Catarina from the location and help by friends and family. Our best men and bridesmaid made sure there was a nice program put together. And other friends were there for us too:
My beauty fairy came all the way from Los Angeles to take care of my glam: Frances Marquez.
The wedding dress (in case you like this one, I would sell mine - as I am not planing to use it again).
It’s all about capturing that moment forever: Julian Tse.
Our location had a guest house. Here’s my brother before the ceremony.
Friends arriving.
During the ceremony.
Cocktails and biodegradable balloons.
The tables are ready for the dinner.
Who catches the bouquet?
We still look back at that day and are deeply grateful and happy everyone was there to celebrate our love and commitment.